This function takes an object (preferably from the function extractPrediction) and creates a lattice plot. For numeric outcomes, the observed and predicted data are plotted with a 45 degree reference line and a smoothed fit. For factor outcomes, a dotplot plot is produced with the accuracies for the different models.

plotObsVsPred(object, equalRanges = TRUE, ...)



an object (preferably from the function extractPrediction. There should be columns named obs, pred, model (e.g. "rpart", "nnet" etc.) and dataType (e.g. "Training", "Test" etc)


a logical; should the x- and y-axis ranges be the same?


parameters to pass to xyplot or dotplot, such as auto.key


A lattice object. Note that the plot has to be printed to be displayed (especially in a loop).


If the call to extractPrediction included test data, these data are shown, but if unknowns were also included, they are not plotted


if (FALSE) { # regression example data(BostonHousing) rpartFit <- train(BostonHousing[1:100, -c(4, 14)], BostonHousing$medv[1:100], "rpart", tuneLength = 9) plsFit <- train(BostonHousing[1:100, -c(4, 14)], BostonHousing$medv[1:100], "pls") predVals <- extractPrediction(list(rpartFit, plsFit), testX = BostonHousing[101:200, -c(4, 14)], testY = BostonHousing$medv[101:200], unkX = BostonHousing[201:300, -c(4, 14)]) plotObsVsPred(predVals) #classification example data(Satellite) numSamples <- dim(Satellite)[1] set.seed(716) varIndex <- 1:numSamples trainSamples <- sample(varIndex, 150) varIndex <- (1:numSamples)[-trainSamples] testSamples <- sample(varIndex, 100) varIndex <- (1:numSamples)[-c(testSamples, trainSamples)] unkSamples <- sample(varIndex, 50) trainX <- Satellite[trainSamples, -37] trainY <- Satellite[trainSamples, 37] testX <- Satellite[testSamples, -37] testY <- Satellite[testSamples, 37] unkX <- Satellite[unkSamples, -37] knnFit <- train(trainX, trainY, "knn") rpartFit <- train(trainX, trainY, "rpart") predTargets <- extractPrediction(list(knnFit, rpartFit), testX = testX, testY = testY, unkX = unkX) plotObsVsPred(predTargets) }