Find out which predictor variables are actually used in the random forest.

varUsed(x, by.tree=FALSE, count=TRUE)



An object of class randomForest.


Should the list of variables used be broken down by trees in the forest?


Should the frequencies that variables appear in trees be returned?


If count=TRUE and by.tree=FALSE, a integer vector containing frequencies that variables are used in the forest. If by.tree=TRUE, a matrix is returned, breaking down the counts by tree (each column corresponding to one tree and each row to a variable).

If count=FALSE and by.tree=TRUE, a list of integer indices is returned giving the variables used in the trees, else if by.tree=FALSE, a vector of integer indices giving the variables used in the entire forest.

See also


data(iris) set.seed(17) varUsed(randomForest(Species~., iris, ntree=100))
#> [1] 155 101 257 231