A set of 146 patients with stage C prostate cancer, from a study exploring the prognostic value of flow cytometry.



A data frame with 146 observations on the following 8 variables.


Time to progression or last follow-up (years)


1 = progression observed, 0 = censored


age in years


early endocrine therapy, 1 = no, 2 = yes


percent of cells in G2 phase, as found by flow cytometry


grade of the tumor, Farrow system


grade of the tumor, Gleason system


the ploidy status of the tumor, from flow cytometry. Values are diploid, tetraploid, and aneuploid


A tumor is called diploid (normal complement of dividing cells) if the fraction of cells in G2 phase was determined to be 13% or less. Aneuploid cells have a measurable fraction with a chromosome count that is neither 24 nor 48, for these the G2 percent is difficult or impossible to measure.


#> Loading required package: survival
rpart(Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ ., stagec)
#> n= 146 #> #> node), split, n, deviance, yval #> * denotes terminal node #> #> 1) root 146 192.111100 1.0000000 #> 2) grade< 2.5 61 44.799010 0.3634439 #> 4) g2< 11.36 33 9.117405 0.1229835 * #> 5) g2>=11.36 28 27.602190 0.7345610 #> 10) gleason< 5.5 20 14.297110 0.5304115 * #> 11) gleason>=5.5 8 11.094650 1.3069940 * #> 3) grade>=2.5 85 122.441500 1.6148600 #> 6) age>=56.5 75 103.062900 1.4255040 #> 12) gleason< 7.5 50 66.119800 1.1407320 #> 24) g2< 13.475 24 27.197170 0.8007306 * #> 25) g2>=13.475 26 36.790960 1.4570210 #> 50) g2>=17.915 15 20.332740 0.9789825 * #> 51) g2< 17.915 11 13.459010 2.1714480 * #> 13) gleason>=7.5 25 33.487250 2.0307290 #> 26) g2>=15.29 10 11.588480 1.2156230 * #> 27) g2< 15.29 15 18.939150 2.7053610 * #> 7) age< 56.5 10 13.769010 3.1822320 *